Adam Kozicki
You will never walk alone
A hundred flags for the centenary of women's electoral rights
Literary project on the restoration/creation of history. Memory locked in photography.
Lia Dostlieva, Andrii Dostliev, Krzysztof Gil, Zuzanna Hertzberg, Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Natalia Romik, Ala Savashevich, Sergey Shabohin, Aleksander Sovtysik
Group exhibition within the Warsaw Gallery Weekend, inaugurating the Exhibitions Bureau.
Exhibition in three parts - LOVE
Exhibition in three parts - HOPE
Exhibition in three parts - FAITH
Maya Gordon
Ćwiczenia z patrzenia
Józef Gałązka
Władysław Strzemiński
Spoza granic mowy
Monika Drożyńska
Erna Rosenstein
Czerwona energia
Marian Czapla
Malwina Konopacka
Kim jesteś?
Tadeusz Kantor
Angelika Markul
Dominik Jałowiński
Olga Mokrzycka-Grospierre
Monika Drożyńska
Norbert Delman
Art of Wiktoria Wojciechowska